Posted February 18th, 2010 by nancy in News
Yonkers Pursuing Plan to Take the Lid Off a River
New York Times, 2007
Read Full Article in the NYTimes>
Posted February 18th, 2010 by nancy in News
New York Times, 2007
Read Full Article in the NYTimes>
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Posted June 10th, 2014 by annmarie in Uncategorized
Recently, a family of mallard ducks was seen at the park. Male mallards are easily spotted by their green colored head while females are a speckled brown. Make Way for Ducklings is a book published in 1941 and a well know children’s picture book about a family of mallard ducks that decide to nest in middle of Boston Public Garden.
People also spotted a night heron and a beaver. Night herons have brown or grey plumage and most have a black crown. They are called night herons because they feed predominantly at night. Beavers are best known for building dams in rivers and streams. They are primarily nocturnal, most active at night, and semi-aquatic. In North America, going back to the Native Americans and as recently as the 1970s, beavers have been trapped for their pelts which were made into various clothing items.
Posted March 20th, 2013 by Helen C in Uncategorized
Lost Rivers, a documentary film from Catbird Productions, showcases the Yonkers daylighting project at Van Der Donck Park.
Check out Radio Canada’s website for content from the film, including this mesmerizing video of the 18-month-long Saw Mill River restoration condensed into three and a half minutes.
Here is the official trailer, featuring Ann-Marie Mitroff, Groundwork’s River Program Director:
About the Film:
“Once flowing through nearly every developed city in the world, rivers provided the infrastructure upon which modern metropolises were built. In this adventurous and revelatory look into the disappearance and recent resurfacing of these historic waterways, Lost Rivers leads us down the drain into vast underground museums of urban development.
Guiding us through the hidden river networks of London, Brescia (Italy), Montreal and Toronto, intrepid groups of subterranean explorers known as “drainers” reveal the buried waterways that house the secrets of each city’s past. Exploring recent initiatives to resurface and revitalize these forgotten waterways in Yonkers and Seoul, the fascinating Lost Rivers brings to life an aspect of urban ecology that has long been kept secret.”
Posted March 20th, 2013 by Helen C in Uncategorized
Check out this great article from Stormwater Magazine about the history of the Saw Mill River in Yonkers, spanning from pre-Colombian times up through the daylighting of the river at Larkin Plaza and on to plans for future restoration projects.
“Make no little plans”